Aminet 30
Aminet 30 (1999)(Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1999].iso
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Text File
132 lines
Short: The fastest GUI for XDCC Requesting v3.54
Author: sykoe@sub.net.au
Uploader: sykoe@sub.net.au
Version: 3.55
Type: comm/irc
Replaces: comm/irc/XdccGet.lha
Requires: RexxReqTools.library, RexxDosSupport.library (Included)
Mouse/Keyboard GUI for XDCC Requesting (leeching) v3.55
This is just for people who use AmIRC and get files from XDCC Bots.
If you use Kuang11 v3.0 Gamma25+ then you already have this on your AmIRC.
Just type /XdccGet or /AXdcc to access it.
To access online help /XGGuide is the command.
It has been improved vastly since v3.0 by:
IRC: lanky Email: sykoe@sub.net.au Web: http://www.sub.net.au/~sykoe/
And I asked to continue its development to remove certain limits and make
it more functional. Thanks to Bossman^ for letting me do this.
It's layout is more informative, cleaner and easier to use.
Please read the XdccGet.Guide history page to see whats new.
Currently: $VER: XdccGet.AMIRX 3.55 (30.01.99) Button XDCC Requestor Readme
* An easy to use GUI to request XDCC packs from.
* An easy to use XDCC-Get GUI Config.
* Has temporary DCC AutoGet for Kuang 11 v3.x or higher users.
* CTCP & Msg XDCC requests.
* Multiple CTCP/Msg XDCC pack requesting.
* DCC SEND/DCC MOVE requesting.
* # (Dis)Enabling as the XDCC offerer requires.
* Customise the amount of Request Input pack buttons.
* Open a Query window to view the XDCC list in.
* Protection so only numeric packs will be requested.
* Anti-Flooding protection on Multi-requesting.
* Saveable Config means all parts can be controlled. (Even Listing)
* Clean output. (CTCP and Msg output are Uniform)
* Expert menu option for smaller menus available.
* FULL mouse/keyboard support.
* Optimised Code.
* Configurable to your own tastes.
Setup: Copy RexxReqTools.library to your Libs: assign.
Copy RexxDosSupport.library to your Libs: assign.
Copy the file XdccGet.amirx and XdccGetConfig.amirx
to your AmIRC/Rexx drawer.
Once you have done that, Start up AmIRC and then type the following:
/Alias XDCCGet /Rx XdccGet.amirx %p
Then Save your Settings under the Settings menu.
Make a button in AmIRC go to: Settings-Setup-Actions
Select a empty button position and enter XdccGet
then /XDCCGet %u
Usage: /XDCCGet <Nick> [Option] [CTCP or C/Msg or M] [SEND/MOVE] [Hash/#] [NoHash/No#] [Expert] [Help/?]
Read the AmigaGuide - Installation/Usage on how to fully use this program!
The program requires RexxReqTools.library by Rafael D'Halleweyn installed
for its GUI construction. It's fantastic and makes life a *lot* easier!
I have included RexxReqTools.library as I was unable to contact the author
directly to verify if I can. I hope this doesn't offend anyone.
(550 rug.ac.be (TCP)... 550 Host unknown)
* Any ideas you suggest.
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ_ __._____ -- - --------------------.
___| _ /_/\_ _ /\__ _/\__ tHE bEST |
\_ _ _/____ \_/ __/__ __/xDCC gUI rEQUEST|
./ |___\| | | | | | sCRIPT fOR aMIRC|
:___|gET^355___l_____l_____| --------------'
|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::. .
|::. Easy XDCC requesting from a GUI
|::: Customisable Savable Config Options
|:.: Multiple pack requests without flooding
|::: XDCC List in a Query window(Config Opt)
|::: FULL Mouse/keyboard control
`-[30.01.1999]-----------------[nF0]- -- -
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
513 302 41.1% 29-Jan-99 10:13:38 File_ID.DiZ
46148 30624 33.6% 22-Feb-97 22:11:58 +reqtools.library
10972 5892 46.2% 08-Apr-97 23:44:02 +rexxdossupport.library
11664 6534 43.9% 16-Aug-94 01:16:36 +rexxreqtools.library
11343 3639 67.9% 29-Jan-99 09:58:46 +XdccGet.amirx
9895 2933 70.3% 29-Jan-99 10:26:46 +XdccGetConfig.amirx
46562 12987 72.1% 29-Jan-99 10:18:20 XdccGet.Guide
3052 1842 39.6% 09-Jun-98 17:35:48 XdccGet.Guide.info
3391 1731 48.9% 29-Jan-99 10:18:18 XdccGet.readme
2569 1235 51.9% 09-Jun-98 17:36:02 XdccGet.readme.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
146109 67719 53.6% 30-Jan-99 06:31:30 10 files